Sunday 2 October 2011

Sunrooms: Worth The Investment Price

Sunroom prices vary from $10,000 to $70,000, depending on the style, the location, and the quality of the materials used. You'll have to decide for yourself how much you want to spend.

Your home is one of the largest and most expensive investments you can make. Anything you can do to increase the value of your home will pay dividends in the future. If you need more space for your growing family, or if you are simply have the desire for your own private retreat, the addition of a
sunroom will not only give you that extra room, but will also add value on to your home.

There are many different styles of sunrooms, ranging from the simple to the ornate, and depending on what kind of style you choose, the price will be commensurate. However, in doing research into the types of additions for your home, a room with glass walls can be less expensive than a room made of traditional bricks and mortar. However, a traditional room can generally be used all year round - including the winter months, whereas if you want to use your sunroom all year, you will have to ensure that it is especially designed to do so - and that will increase the price.

Another factor affecting the price of your sunroom is where you are going to build it. If it's being put together on top of a pre-existing porch or deck, this will be less expensive than if a brand new foundation needs to be laid down first. (If you choose to place your sunroom on top of this pre-existing foundation, you must first ensure that this foundation can bear the weight of the new structure.)

Sunroom prices also depend on the size and location of the room, its style, the material used to build it, and how many "bells and whistles" are included. These "bells and whistles" would include built-in heating and cooling systems, extended from the original house.

Once work on the sunroom itself actually begins, it doesn't take very long. Professional contractors for TEMO sunrooms, for example, only take about two days to put the room together..although if the heating and cooling systems are included, it will take a few more days to get those squared away.

Sunroom Kits
If you want to reduce the price of your sunroom - without sacrificing the quality of the materials, which is the most important part of the sunroom - it is possible to build the room yourself. Many companies offer do-it-yourself kits with complete blueprints and instructions on how to put the room together. If you are confident in your handiman skills, this is an avenue to pursue. You won't be able to put it together all yourself, by the way. The more people you have helping you out, the better.

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